Monday, February 22, 2016

How To Have Killer Confidence

Over the years I have been a very self-conscious person, lacking any type of confidence. I have a disability called Cerebral Palsy, and would often times think that everyone was looking at me because of how I walked or I would allow myself to think negatively about myself because of my condition or the way I looked. I came to the point where I realized that life is too precious to be dwelling over things we cannot change and that it was time to start living the right way. I can say that I now consider myself to be an extremely confident person. I have put together a list of things that help me to have killer confidence. I hope you can take something away from this!

I have discovered that one of the most important things you can do is to simply compliment yourself. I know that may seem weird or narcissistic, but it really will boost your confidence. As humans we often like to harp on our flaws, but instead we need to focus on the positive things about ourselves. Look in the mirror and tell yourself something nice, and believe what you are telling yourself. As you walk down the street, silently tell yourself positive things. By doing this, you are building your own self-esteem. This is important to do because everyone should love and believe in themselves.

Unfortunately, what other people think and say about us can have an impact on the way we perceive ourselves. If you don't pay attention to what other people think of you, it won't affect you at all. I know that this sounds hard, but it is easier than it seems. I tend to get caught up on what random strangers that have no importance in my life at all think about me. I get self conscious when people stare at me, but then I have to think and tell myself that I should not be letting people that I don't even know dictate how I feel about myself. If someone doesn't like who you are, they aren't even worth your time or thought. What other people think of you, does not determine your worth or value.
Comparing yourself to other people is something that is so harmful to our self-esteem. You have to remember that everyone's life is different and that we each have good things and bad things in our lives. Comparing your job, grades, money, social life, looks, and body to other people will do nothing but make you self-conscious. Focus all of your time and energy on being the best, most confident version of yourself. 

Everyone has something that makes them unique and I believe that we all should embrace what makes us different. I have Cerebral Palsy and I love to dance. Instead of hiding my disability and something that I love doing, embrace it and show the world who I am. Here is a video. So don't look at your differences as flaws, look at them as what sets you apart from the billions of others in the world. If everyone was the same, life would be pretty darn boring. So find whatever makes you stand out, everyone has something, and own it!

Everyone goes through things and is self-conscious at some point in time. Maybe it is just one of those days where you are not feeling comfortable in your skin and you feel like everyone is noticing whatever you are feeling self-conscious about. However, chances are that everyone else is worried about their own things going on...because we all are just human.

For me, looking at the bigger picture is really something that helps me to stop dwelling and start being more confident. There are so many more important things happening that you can focus on instead of being self-conscious. Make every day a good one and live life to its fullest.  We only have one life to live and each day is a day that you can never get back, and do you really want to spend your days picking yourself apart or dwelling on minuscule things? 

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